Germanium Sputtering Target Manufacturing Techniques

Germanium Sputtering Targets are vital components in various industries, particularly in the production of infrared optics and semiconductor devices. To meet the growing demand for high-quality Germanium Sputtering Targets, manufacturers employ various manufacturing techniques. In this article, we’ll explore the key methods used in the production of these critical components.

Hot Pressing:

Hot pressing is a widely used technique for manufacturing Germanium Sputtering Targets. It involves applying high temperature and pressure to powdered Germanium within a mold. This process results in solid, dense, and highly pure Germanium targets with excellent mechanical properties. Hot-pressed targets are known for their durability and uniformity.

Cold Pressing:

Cold pressing is an alternative method for shaping Germanium powder into sputtering targets. In this process, pressure is applied at room temperature to compact the powder into a desired shape. While cold-pressed targets are less dense than hot-pressed ones, they are suitable for applications where cost-effectiveness is a priority.

Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD):

Chemical Vapor Deposition is a sophisticated technique used to deposit thin films of Germanium onto substrate materials. In CVD, a precursor gas containing Germanium is introduced into a chamber, where it reacts on the substrate’s surface to form a Germanium film. This method offers precise control over film thickness and composition, making it ideal for semiconductor applications.

Polycrystalline vs. Single Crystal:

Germanium Sputtering Targets can be produced in both polycrystalline and single-crystal forms. Polycrystalline targets are composed of numerous small crystalline grains and are cost-effective. Single crystal targets, on the other hand, consist of a single, large crystalline structure and are preferred for applications requiring superior electrical and optical properties.

Purity and Quality Control:

Regardless of the manufacturing technique used, maintaining high purity is essential for Germanium Sputtering Targets. Impurities can negatively impact the performance of targets in sputtering processes. Manufacturers employ rigorous quality control measures, including spectroscopic analysis, to ensure the purity of their Germanium targets.

Customization and Innovation:

In response to the diverse needs of industries, Germanium Sputtering Target manufacturers continue to innovate. They offer customization options, such as target shape, size, and purity levels, to meet specific application requirements. This flexibility allows for the production of tailored targets for a wide range of technologies, including infrared imaging, photovoltaics, and semiconductor manufacturing.

These manufacturing techniques highlight the versatility and importance of Germanium Sputtering Targets in various technological advancements, from enhancing optical devices to enabling semiconductor innovations.

For more information about the germanium sputtering target, please visit

Advantages of Germanium Sputtering Targets in Infrared Optics

Germanium Sputtering Targets play a pivotal role in the world of infrared optics, significantly enhancing the performance of devices used in various applications, from night vision systems to thermal imaging cameras. In this article, we’ll explore the unique advantages that Germanium Sputtering Targets offer in the realm of infrared optics.

Enhanced Infrared Absorption:

One of the standout features of Germanium Sputtering Targets is their exceptional ability to absorb infrared radiation. This property makes them indispensable for the creation of lenses, windows, and optical components used in infrared imaging systems. Germanium’s high refractive index in the infrared spectrum allows for minimal light reflection, ensuring that more incident light is captured and utilized, resulting in clearer and sharper images.

Broad Infrared Transparency:

While Germanium is an excellent absorber of infrared radiation, it is also transparent to a wide range of infrared wavelengths. This unique combination of absorption and transparency makes Germanium Sputtering Targets ideal for antireflection coatings on optical surfaces. By applying a thin layer of Germanium, manufacturers can reduce unwanted reflections and increase the overall transmittance of their infrared optics.

Resistance to Thermal Stress:

Infrared optical devices often operate in demanding environments where temperature fluctuations are common. Germanium Sputtering Targets are renowned for their resistance to thermal stress, allowing them to maintain their optical performance even under extreme temperature conditions. This property is crucial for ensuring the reliability and longevity of infrared optics used in aerospace, defense, and industrial applications.

Precise Thin Film Deposition:

Germanium Sputtering Targets are used in the physical vapor deposition (PVD) process to create high-quality thin films on various substrates. This precision allows manufacturers to engineer optical coatings with specific infrared properties, such as anti-reflective coatings or filters that target specific wavelengths. Such tailored coatings are essential for optimizing the performance of infrared optical systems.

Applications in Night Vision Technology:

Night vision devices rely heavily on Germanium lenses and windows. The ability to capture and transmit infrared light enables these devices to provide clear images in low-light or no-light conditions. Whether used by military personnel, law enforcement agencies, or wildlife enthusiasts, Germanium-based optics are at the heart of night vision technology.

For more information about germanium sputtering targets and other target materials, please visit

Zinc Oxide Thin Films in Nanotechnology: Synthesis and Applications


Zinc oxide (ZnO) is a wide-bandgap semiconductor with diverse properties that have garnered significant attention in nanotechnology research. The synthesis of zinc oxide thin films using sputtering targets has opened up new possibilities for various nanoscale applications. This article explores the synthesis process of ZnO thin films through sputtering and delves into their emerging applications in the field of nanotechnology.

Synthesis of Zinc Oxide Thin Films using Sputtering Targets

Sputtering is a popular thin film deposition technique that involves bombarding a target material with high-energy ions to release atoms or molecules, which then condense on a substrate to form a thin film. The sputtering process for zinc oxide thin films is typically carried out in a vacuum chamber, where an argon plasma is used to dislodge zinc oxide atoms from a sputtering target. The sputtered atoms travel through the vacuum and deposit onto a substrate, forming a thin film.

One of the main advantages of sputtering is the ability to precisely control the thickness and composition of the thin film. This level of control allows researchers to tailor the properties of zinc oxide thin films for specific nanotechnology applications.

Properties of Zinc Oxide Thin Films

Zinc oxide thin films possess several unique properties that make them highly attractive for nanoscale applications. Firstly, ZnO is a wide-bandgap semiconductor, making it suitable for optoelectronic devices such as light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and photodetectors. The wide bandgap allows ZnO thin films to emit and detect light in the ultraviolet region, which is essential for various optical and sensing applications.

Additionally, zinc oxide exhibits excellent piezoelectric properties, meaning it can convert mechanical energy into electrical signals and vice versa. This property has opened up opportunities for ZnO thin films in nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS) and sensors.

Applications of Zinc Oxide Thin Films in Nanotechnology:

  1. Nanosensors: Zinc oxide thin films are used as sensitive layers in gas sensors and biosensors due to their high surface area and excellent sensing properties. They have been employed in detecting gases such as ammonia, carbon monoxide, and hydrogen, making them valuable for environmental monitoring and medical diagnostics.
  2. Nanodevices: ZnO thin films find applications in the development of nanodevices like field-effect transistors (FETs) and nanogenerators. Their exceptional piezoelectric characteristics make them ideal for energy harvesting applications.
  3. Nanophotonics: Zinc oxide thin films are used in the fabrication of nanophotonic devices, including waveguides and microcavities. Their ability to emit and manipulate light at the nanoscale level makes them essential in advanced optical communication systems.
  4. Nanocoatings: ZnO thin films serve as protective nanocoatings for various surfaces, providing enhanced resistance to environmental factors like UV radiation and corrosion.


Zinc oxide thin films synthesized using ZnO sputtering targets have emerged as a key player in the field of nanotechnology. Their versatile properties and precise synthesis make them ideal for a wide range of nanoscale applications. As researchers continue to explore the unique properties of ZnO thin films, we can expect to see further advancements in nanotechnology, leading to innovative devices and technologies that address various global challenges.

For more information about ZnO sputtering target or other thin film coating materials, please visit

Molybdenum Targets in Semiconductor Manufacturing


Semiconductor manufacturing is at the heart of modern technology, driving advancements in electronics, telecommunications, and computing. Key to this process is the use of specialized materials and techniques, with molybdenum targets playing a crucial role in thin film deposition. This article delves into the significance of molybdenum targets in semiconductor manufacturing, exploring their applications and advantages in enabling the creation of high-performance electronic devices.

Molybdenum Targets and Thin Film Deposition

Thin film deposition is a fundamental process in semiconductor manufacturing, where thin layers of material are precisely deposited onto a substrate to form integrated circuits and other electronic components. Molybdenum targets, typically in the form of sputtering targets, are vital to this process due to their exceptional material properties. Molybdenum is a refractory metal, offering high melting points and excellent thermal stability, making it suitable for use in demanding high-temperature environments during thin film deposition.

Sputtering is the primary technique employed for depositing thin films using molybdenum targets. In this process, molybdenum atoms are sputtered from the target’s surface through ion bombardment and subsequently deposited onto the substrate. The precise control of this deposition allows for the creation of uniform and well-adhered thin films with precise thicknesses, critical for the functionality of semiconductor devices.

Applications in Semiconductor Devices

Molybdenum targets find widespread use in semiconductor manufacturing for various applications. One of the primary applications is in the creation of gate electrodes in metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors (MOSFETs). MOSFETs are essential components of integrated circuits, controlling the flow of electrical current and enabling the amplification of signals in electronic devices. The high thermal and electrical conductivity of molybdenum makes it an ideal choice for gate electrodes, ensuring efficient device performance.

Additionally, molybdenum targets are used in the fabrication of interconnects, which serve as conductive pathways between different components on the semiconductor device. The high purity and uniformity of molybdenum thin films are critical for achieving low electrical resistance in interconnects, minimizing power losses and improving the overall efficiency of electronic devices.

Advantages of Molybdenum Targets

Several key advantages make molybdenum targets stand out in semiconductor manufacturing:

  1. Thermal Stability: Molybdenum targets can withstand high temperatures, ensuring stability during the deposition process. This is particularly important for high-temperature processing steps in semiconductor manufacturing.
  2. High Purity: The exceptional purity levels of molybdenum targets enable the deposition of clean and contamination-free thin films, resulting in reliable semiconductor devices with consistent performance.
  3. Uniformity: Molybdenum targets facilitate the creation of uniform thin films, ensuring consistent device characteristics across a wafer and improving the overall yield of the manufacturing process.
  4. Compatibility: Molybdenum targets are compatible with various deposition techniques, offering flexibility in thin film deposition processes for different semiconductor applications.


In conclusion, molybdenum targets play a critical role in semiconductor manufacturing by enabling precise thin film deposition. Their exceptional thermal stability, high purity, and uniformity make them indispensable for the creation of high-performance semiconductor devices. From MOSFET gate electrodes to interconnects, molybdenum targets contribute to the advancement of modern technology, ensuring reliable and efficient electronic devices that power our digital world. As semiconductor technology continues to evolve, molybdenum targets will remain at the forefront, driving innovation and shaping the future of electronics.

For more information about molybdnem sputtering target or other target materials, please visit

Essential Terms for Sputtering and Evaporation Processe

Terminologies of Sputtering Coating

General Term

  1. Vacuum deposition: A group of methods used to deposit layers of material under a vacuum.
  2. Substrate: The material on which the film is deposited.
  3. Coating material: The raw material used to deposit the film, including sputtering targets and evaporation pellets materials.
  4. Sputtering target: A coating material used for sputtering in vacuum sputtering.
  5. Sputtering rate: The amount of sputtering material used over a given time interval divided by the time interval.
  6. Deposition rate: The amount of material deposited on the substrate over a given time interval divided by the time interval and the surface area of ​​the substrate.

Information from SAM Sputter Target, a global coating materials supplier.

Technical Terminology

  1. Vacuum sputtering: The process by which inert gas ions bombard atoms (molecules) or radicals from the target surface in a vacuum.
  2. Reactive vacuum sputtering: Vacuum sputtering of film material of a desired chemical composition by reaction with a gas.
  3. Direct current diode sputtering: A direct current voltage between two electrodes causes the gas to self-sustain and discharge the target as a cathode.
  4. High-frequency diode sputtering: A high-frequency discharge is obtained by a high-frequency voltage between two electrodes to cause sputtering of a negative potential at a target.
  5. Ion beam sputtering: An ion beam obtained by a special ion source causes the sputtering of a target.
  6. Magnetron sputtering: The secondary electrons are bound to specific areas of the target surface using an orthogonal electromagnetic field formed on the surface of the target to enhance ionization efficiency and increase ion density and energy. Therefore, a very high sputtering rate can be obtained at a low voltage and a large current.

Special Parts

  1. Sputtering device: The components of a vacuum sputtering apparatus including a target and an auxiliary device necessary for sputtering (for example, a power supply device, a gas introduction device, etc.).
  2. Sputtering Target: The surface is bombarded with particles. The meaning of the target in this standard is the electrode composed of the sputtering material in the sputtering apparatus.
  3. Shutter: A device used to limit the coating in time and/or space and thereby achieve a certain film thickness distribution. The baffle can be either fixed or movable.
  4. Mask: A device used to cover part of the substrate and to limit the coating in space.
  5. Substrate heating device: A device that can heat a substrate or substrates to the desired temperature by heating in a vacuum coating device.
  6. Substrate cooling device: In a vacuum coating device, a device achieves the desired temperature by cooling a substrate or substrates.

Terminologies of Vacuum Evaporation

General Term

  1. Vacuum coating: A method of making a film on a substrate under vacuum.
  2. Substrate: The surface on which the film is deposited.
  3. Testing substrate: A substrate used for measurement and/or testing at the beginning of coating, during the coating process, and after coating.
  4. Coating material: The raw material used to make the film, mainly including sputtering targets and evaporation pellets materials.
  5. Evaporation material: A coating material used for evaporation in vacuum evaporation.
  6. Film material: the material constituting the film layer.
  7. Evaporation rate: the amount of material evaporated during a given time interval divided by
  8. Deposition rate: The amount of material deposited on a substrate over a given time interval divided by the time interval and the surface area of ​​the substrate.
  9. Coating angle: The angle between the direction of the particles incident on the substrate and the normal to the surface being plated.

Information from SAM Sputter Target, a global coating materials supplier.

Technical Terminology

  1. Vacuum evaporation coating: A vacuum coating process for evaporating a coating material.
  2. Simultaneous evaporation: Vacuum evaporation of various evaporation materials simultaneously onto the substrate by several evaporators.
  3. Evaporation field evaporation: Evaporation of a material evaporated from the evaporation field onto a substrate for evaporation (this process is applied to large-area evaporation to obtain a desired film thickness distribution).
  4. Reactive vacuum evaporation: Vacuum evaporation of film material of a desired chemical composition by reaction with a gas.
  5. Reactive vacuum evaporation in evaporator: Reacts with various evaporation materials in the evaporator to obtain vacuum evaporation of the desired chemical composition film material.
  6. Direct heating evaporation: The heat necessary to evaporate the evaporation of the material is the same as the heat of the evaporation material (in the crucible or not).
  7. Induction heating evaporation: The evaporation material is heated by induction eddy current.
  8. Electron beam evaporation: evaporation of heated material by electron bombardment.
  9. Laser beam evaporation: evaporation of the material by laser beam heating.
  10. Indirect heating evaporation: In a heating device (for example, a boat-shaped evaporator, a crucible, a filament, a heating plate, a heating rod, a spiral coil, etc.), the evaporation material is subjected to the heat necessary for evaporation, and is transferred to the evaporation material by heat conduction or heat radiation.
  11. Flash evaporation: intermittently evaporate a very small amount of evaporating material.

Special Parts

  1. Coating chamber: A part of a vacuum coating equipment that performs the actual coating process.
  2. Evaporator device: A vacuum coating device that includes an evaporator and all components necessary for its operation (such as power supply, supply, cooling devices, etc.).
  3. Evaporator: A device that evaporates directly within it, such as a boat-shaped evaporator, crucible, filament, heating plate, heating rod, spiral coil, etc., and if necessary, the evaporation material itself.
  4. Evaporator by direct heat: An evaporator in which the evaporation material itself is heated.
  5. Evaporator by indirect heat: An evaporator in which an evaporation material is heated by heat conduction or heat radiation.
  6. Evaporation field: A field formed by heating the same vaporized material by several arrays of evaporators.

Enhancing PV Device Efficiency with Indium Sputtering Targets


Indium sputtering targets play a crucial role in the fabrication of photovoltaic (PV) devices, enhancing solar energy conversion efficiency. In this article, we discuss the advantages and applications of indium sputtering targets in improving the performance of PV devices.

Transparent Conductive Oxide (TCO) Layers

Indium sputtering targets are used to deposit high-quality indium tin oxide (ITO) films onto solar cells. These transparent conductive oxide layers offer excellent electrical conductivity and allow for light transmission, enhancing solar energy conversion efficiency.

Anti-Reflective Coatings

Indium sputtering targets enable the deposition of indium oxide or indium-tin-oxide thin films as anti-reflective coatings. These coatings minimize reflection losses, optimizing light absorption in PV devices and increasing overall energy conversion efficiency.

Back Contact Layers

Indium sputtering targets are utilized in depositing back contact layers in PV devices. These layers, made of indium or indium-containing compounds, improve charge collection and extraction, leading to enhanced power output and device performance.

Doping Layers

With indium sputtering targets, indium-containing films can be deposited as doping layers in PV devices. Doping with indium allows for better control of carrier concentration, facilitating efficient charge separation and collection, and improving solar energy conversion efficiency.


The use of indium sputtering targets in PV device fabrication enhances solar energy conversion efficiency. By enabling the deposition of transparent conductive oxide layers, anti-reflective coatings, back contact layers, and doping layers, indium sputtering targets optimize various aspects of PV device performance. As solar energy gains prominence as a clean and renewable energy source, the demand for indium sputtering targets in PV applications will continue to grow, driving further advancements in solar energy conversion technology.

For more information about indium sputter targets or other types of sputtering materials, please visit

Exploring the Specific Uses of Zirconium Targets and Thin Films in Different Industries

Zirconium targets and thin films are versatile materials that find a wide range of applications in different industries. With their high melting point, good thermal conductivity, and resistance to corrosion and wear, zirconium-based coatings offer unique properties that make them ideal for use in many different applications.

Semiconductor Industry

Zirconium targets find extensive use in the semiconductor industry for creating thin films with excellent uniformity and purity. In semiconductor manufacturing, zirconium-based coatings are used as diffusion barriers in copper interconnects and as adhesion layers between metal contacts and dielectric layers. These coatings help to enhance the performance, reliability, and durability of semiconductor devices by preventing unwanted chemical reactions, improving electrical conductivity, and enabling precise control of the thickness and composition of each layer.

Energy Industry

Zirconium targets and thin films find significant applications in the energy industry, particularly in solar panel manufacturing. Zirconium-based coatings are applied to solar panels to improve their efficiency by reducing the reflection of sunlight and enhancing light absorption. Zirconium-based coatings also provide corrosion resistance, enabling the solar panels to withstand harsh environments and extend their lifespan. In nuclear power plants, zirconium alloys are used as fuel cladding in the core of reactors due to their excellent corrosion resistance and mechanical strength.

Automotive Industry

Zirconium targets and thin films are used in the automotive industry for coating engine components to improve their wear resistance, hardness, and corrosion protection. Zirconium-based coatings can be applied to automotive parts such as valves, pistons, and bearings to reduce friction and wear, leading to improved fuel efficiency and reduced emissions. Zirconium-based coatings can also provide excellent corrosion protection, enabling automotive parts to withstand harsh environments and extend their service life.

Medical Industry

Zirconium targets and thin films find extensive applications in the medical industry due to their biocompatibility, durability, and corrosion resistance. Zirconium-based coatings are used in orthopedic and dental implants to enhance implant stability, reduce wear and inflammation, and promote bone integration. Zirconium-based coatings can also be applied to medical devices such as surgical instruments and pacemakers to improve their wear resistance and corrosion protection, leading to extended service life and improved patient outcomes.

Aerospace Industry

Zirconium targets and thin films are used in the aerospace industry for coating various components to improve durability and corrosion protection. Zirconium-based coatings are applied to turbine blades, engine parts, and airframe structures to reduce wear, improve fatigue resistance, and enhance corrosion protection. Zirconium-based coatings can also be used as a thermal barrier for components exposed to high temperatures, improving their performance and extending their lifespan.


In summary, zirconium targets and thin films find diverse applications in different industries due to their unique properties and versatility. From semiconductor manufacturing to aerospace engineering, zirconium-based coatings offer numerous benefits such as improved uniformity, purity, durability, wear resistance, and corrosion protection. As research and development continue to advance, zirconium targets and thin films are likely to become an even more important material in many industries.


Unlocking the Benefits of Zirconium Targets for High-Quality Thin Film Coatings


Zirconium targets are a critical component used in many different industries to create high-quality thin films through physical vapor deposition (PVD) and sputtering processes. In this article, we will explore the various benefits of zirconium targets that make them an ideal choice for researchers and manufacturers.

Consistent and Uniform Coatings

One of the primary advantages of zirconium targets is their ability to produce consistent and uniform coatings. With their excellent thermal conductivity, zirconium targets can maintain a stable temperature during the sputtering process, which helps to ensure that the resulting film is free from defects and of high quality.

Durable and Resistant to Wear

Zirconium targets are highly durable, making them an ideal choice for use in harsh or demanding operating conditions. Whether they are being used for coating medical devices, automotive parts, or aerospace components, zirconium targets are able to withstand the stresses of repeated use and exposure to harsh environments.

Versatility in Creating Complex Multilayer Coatings

Zirconium targets are also highly versatile. Not only can they be used to create high-quality zirconium coatings, but they can also be used to deposit other materials such as aluminum, titanium, and silver. This makes zirconium targets a valuable tool for researchers and manufacturers who need to create complex multilayer coatings with precise control over the thickness and composition of each layer.

Ideal for Applications Where Purity Is Critical

Zirconium targets are an excellent choice in applications where purity is critical. Because zirconium is a highly refractory metal, it has a low affinity for impurities and can help to maintain the purity of the coating material. This is particularly important in applications such as semiconductor manufacturing, where even small amounts of impurities can have a significant impact on the performance and reliability of the final product.

Cost-Effective Solution

Finally, zirconium targets offer an attractive cost-effective option for researchers and manufacturers. Compared to other types of sputtering targets, zirconium targets are relatively low in cost, making them an accessible choice for many different applications. Additionally, their long lifespan and durability mean that they can be used for extended periods without needing to be replaced, further reducing the overall cost of operation.


In summary, zirconium targets are highly versatile, durable, and cost-effective, making them a valuable tool in many different industries. With their ability to produce consistent and uniform coatings, withstand harsh environments, create complex multilayer coatings, and maintain the purity, zirconium targets offer an ideal solution for meeting coating needs in a wide range of applications.


Can Back Target Material be Reused?

Back target materials are an essential component in the sputtering process and play a crucial role in determining the performance of thin film deposition. They serve as a support for sputtering targets, absorbing and dissipating heat generated during sputtering. It is essential to choose a suitable back target material that has good thermal conductivity, stability, and compatibility with the sputtering targets.

Furthermore, it is important to know whether the back target material can be reused or not. In this article, we will discuss the commonly used back target materials in sputtering and analyze whether they can be reused or not.

Analysis of Common Back Target Materials

Oxygen-Free Copper (OFC)

Oxygen-free copper is the most commonly used back target material due to its good electrical and thermal conductivity. Moreover, OFC is also known for its ability to withstand high temperatures. With proper maintenance and care, an oxygen-free copper back target can be reused 10 times or more.

Molybdenum (Mo)

In cases where special conditions of use are required, oxygen-free copper may not serve the purpose as it can get oxidized and warped if high-temperature bonding is necessary. Therefore, molybdenum metal is used as the back target material because of its excellent thermal and electrical conductivity. Moreover, metallic molybdenum is also required as a backing material for certain ceramics and metal targets that do not have a coefficient of thermal expansion that matches oxygen-free copper.

Stainless Steel Tube (SST)

Stainless steel tubes are commonly used as a backing tube for rotating targets as they offer good strength and thermal conductivity and are very economical. They are ideal for use as a backing tube because of their resistance to corrosion and low magnetic permeability.

Can Back Target Materials be Reused?

Most back target materials can be reused, especially with metal indium for the back target, which is easier to clean and reuse compared to other materials. However, if the back target is coated with other adhesives, such as epoxy, it may be necessary to use mechanical treatment to treat the back target surface before reuse.


Choosing the right back target material is crucial for sputtering applications. While oxygen-free copper is the most commonly used back target material, molybdenum, and stainless steel tubes are also widely used for their unique properties.

To get high-quality sputtering targets and evaporation materials, Stanford Advanced Materials (SAM) Corporation is your best option. As a global supplier, we offer a wide range of sputtering targets such as metals, alloys, oxides, and ceramic materials, all of which have high purity. Additionally, we offer target bonding services to meet all of your needs. Visit our website at for more information.

Gold Sputtering Target for Semiconductor Coating

Gold sputtering targets can be deposited on a semiconductor chip such as GaAs, GaP, GaN, or the like by sputtering, and can form an ohmic contact film, an electrode, and a wiring film, thereby improving the conductivity and working efficiency of the semiconductor.

The Physical Vapor Deposition Process for Semiconductor Coatings

Physical vapor deposition (PVD) is a widely used method for depositing thin films onto semiconductor substrates such as silicon wafers. The PVD process involves the transfer of material from a sputtering target or an evaporation source to a substrate. This process is carried out in a vacuum environment to prevent contamination and ensure uniform deposition of the material.

PVD is generally divided into two methods based on the principles involved in the deposition: sputtering and evaporation.

Sputtering: How It Works and Its Variations

Sputtering is like throwing stones into a pool of mud, which will splatter a lot of mud and cover the surface of other objects. Sputtering relies on argon plasma to impact the gold sputter target at high speed, thus sputtering the material near the surface of the target and dropping it onto the wafer to form a gold film.

Sputtering is also divided into direct current (DC) sputtering and radio frequency (RF) sputtering depending on the energy source of the plasma excitation. Basically, both methods can be coated with a metal film. The latter is more directed to non-metallic films such as piezoelectric or magnetic materials. The film formed by sputtering has the characteristics of insulation and a high melting point.

Evaporation: Types and Differences from Sputtering

The evaporation method differs from the heating method and is classified into two types: a thermal coater and an E-gun evaporator. The former is to directly put the pellets prepared for melt evaporation on the heating tungsten wire. Once heated, it will adhere to the heated tungsten wire due to the surface tension of the liquid and then be steamed to the periphery (including the wafer). Due to the limited heat resistance of the heated tungsten wire and the limited space for the molten metal, it is only used for low melting point materials, and the film thickness is limited.

The electron gun-type vaporizer uses an electron beam for heating, and the molten and evaporated metal particles are all placed in a graphite or tungsten crucible. When the metal vapor pressure exceeds the critical limit, it begins to slowly evaporate for four weeks (including wafers). The electron gun-type vaporizer can evaporate a metal with a higher melting point and the thickness is not limited.

Advantages and Applications of Gold Sputtering Targets in the Semiconductor Industry

Gold sputtering targets have several advantages that make them a highly desirable material in the semiconductor industry. One of the most significant advantages of gold sputtering targets is their high electrical conductivity, making them ideal for use in forming electrodes, ohmic contacts, and wiring films in semiconductors. Furthermore, gold sputtering targets are known for their excellent adhesion properties, which ensure a strong bond to the substrate surface.


In conclusion, gold sputtering targets are important materials in semiconductor coating applications, and both sputtering and evaporation are commonly used methods for PVD. The choice of method depends on several factors such as deposition rate, film quality, and adherence of the deposited film required for the application. For more information, please visit